Wes Boyd Books E-books in many formats - Stories that could be real, about people who could be real! www.wesboydbooks.com |
About Wes Boyd
Wes Boyd describes himself as "a compulsive writer." The owner and editor of a country weekly newspaper in Michigan, Wes has been writing fiction for over thirty years, mostly for his own enjoyment, and now for yours.
Wes has several interrelated sets of stories to tell. Many of these books are located in the fictional town of Spearfish Lake, located somewhere in the western part of Michigan's Upper Peninsula. There are other locations in the books, some fictional and some not, and they're all over the country, from Florida to Alaska, from Maine to Hawaii, and from mountain top to canyon floor.
These are not true serials, but long, interrelated stories, some but not always with common characters, and each book still stands on its own. Over twenty books in the various series will soon be available for Kindle and other e-book readers, and more are on the way.
The typical novel published today primarily as an e-book averages around 80,000 words; the shortest of Boyd's books is more than that, and the longest is almost four times as long.
All of Boyd's stories share one common theme: they are tales about people who really could be real, in places that really could be real (and sometimes are), doing things that real people do. There are no superheroes, no fantastic fantasies, no paranormal powers. The characters are mostly people like you, and though a few are people with maybe above-average talents, nothing is beyond the realm of belief. Granted, some characters might be a little crazy (some would say more than a little), but there's very little in these stories that people do not actually do in the real world. There's very little sex in these stories, though some books have just a little more than others -- but there's lots of love and friendship. Very, very occasionally there's someone who needs a good whack upside the head, too.